Virtual interaction and unusual injuries

At a recent Virtual Conference on OSHA 300 recordkeeping, we provided eight "recordable or not?" questions based on real-world scenarios. To test your knoweldge, see the questions (and answers) in our summary at
Attendees had some lively discusion on whether the answer was "yes" or "no" for a few of them. I've been dealing with recordkeeping for 24 years. Here's the most unusual incident I've addressed:
During an all-day meeting at a rented location, an employee went to the bathroom. She accidentally discharaged the gun in her purse, wounding her leg. That didn't meet any exceptions and it happened during work, so it was work-related and recordable. Another employee who responded saw the blood and passed out. That was also a recordable loss of consciousness!
Do you struggle with injury recordkeeping questions? What's the most unusual incident you've had to record?