In regards to FMCSR PART 396 Inspection, Repair and Maintenance and 1215 Title 13 California Code of Regulations what are the rules pertaining to Non CDL CMVS and their drivers.
In a discussion I had with the California Highway Patrol the following was covered.
According to 1202.1 & 2 and 396.11 DVIRs are required even on motor vehicles under 26001 pounds if they are modified from their original manufactured body. The example was clarified as in a utility bed.
I have 3 Crew Trucks (F-450) with utility beds that have been determine DO indeed need DVIRs.
The drivers of these vehicles do not need to be drug tested?
Do these motor vehicles only need DVIRs but not the 90 Day California BIT Inspection?
page 13 shows examples of what 34500 (j) defines
These non CDL CMVS are subject to 90 day inspections in California
But my question still remains. Do I drug test the drivers of these vehicles?
Its said the drivers are not required to have a physical and are not subject to DOT drug testing?